Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dark Star

When you are not present, I feel your absence, like a sailor on the dark ocean without a star by which to set his course.
When we are in a crowded room, I know where you are and how far away, a reference point by which to navigate through the night.
When you are close, I feel the pull your body exerts upon mine, the gravity of your Dark Sun, that makes me desire to remain close in orbit, revolving around you, close to your power.
I drink it in through every pore, intoxicated with pleasure and warmth.
The memory of you warms me still, melting away any desire for control, for safety, melting away fear and caution. 

I would sail over the edge to the place where dragons are.
Desire for your strength, for the intoxication of your power, becomes stronger than any need I have to be safe.
The gravity of your Dark Star holds me in its grasp. 
I am lost in its power, and there I find my own.

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