I am a writer. I have been since I was a child. Recently I have been looking through a box of my work (hand written because I had no computer until a few years ago) and have decided that some of it is worth sharing or at least using as inspiration for new stories or poems.
My first blog, http://findinglightamongtheshadows.blogspot.com/ is about my journey in a more specific way and I want to stay on point.
While all of my writing is about my journey, or a reflection of it, much is simply fiction or poetry about life in its broader pallet. Here is where I intend to share with the world all of the colors of my work. Some of it is very dark, which should not surprise anyone who has read my other blog. It should also not be cause for concern. Much of my darkest work was written long ago when I was wandering in the wasteland. I want to be open and relatively uncensored in sharing my writing because it is good to remember where you have been and to see how far you have come.
So welcome to the other side of my shadows. I hope you enjoy reading.
I really enjoyed both pieces you shared today. Very nice imagery.